Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Calming my storms...

"He made the storm. Be still."
Psalm 107:29

The last few months I have struggled like no other in my faith. Believing that there is a greater purpose then all the hurt and brokenness life can bring.  
I have come to realize that it is so much easier believing in Jesus when things are going great. When those storms come I have found it to be much more difficult to believe Jesus is good. 

Before I left for vacation I grabbed my friend and co-worker, Jayla. 
I simply said "I need you now." 
She quickly dropped everything she was doing and said "Okay."
We set down where no one could really see us in the restaurant.
I asked her if she would pray with me.
She dropped her book and said "Of course I will Chelsi. Anything for you. Anytime."
She prayed the most beautiful heartfelt prayer.
You could tell in her voice she really loved Jesus.
It was after that when I realized a praying friend is the best kinda friends to have.

I left for vacation last week with a heavy heart. 
A heavy heart that to be honest hurt. 
Hurt for Jesus.
My prayer life...well I can't even tell you how many weeks/maybe months I had went without praying. 
I am thankful that I had friends that never stopped praying for me during this time. 
I was able to get away for a week and spend time on the beach. 
I started thinking about life and how different of a person I am when I am not in the will of God.
When I am doing things MY way.
Gosh. I have fallen down more then a couple times in the last few months.
Turning to the world for answers.

I came back home from vacation with a heart that desired Jesus.
I was using the excuse "The church split."
Right. It happens. Move on Chels. 
Church is full of humans. 
Find a church that you love and make it a priority. 
You have people following you. 
Be careful. 
Through these last few months the Burrell's have been such an encouragement to me.
Without even knowing it.
Thanks Matt and Lynn! 
The church hunt begins Sunday! 
Finding a church in the generation we live in isn't the easiest nor the funniest task. 
I am determined to keep my heart set on Jesus and not the people.

I am ready to get back to work and see my beautiful people tomorrow! 
For now I am ending this post with Jesus is the only answer. 
People are searching.
Even Christians go through the searching phase. 
I ask that you please keep me in your prayers as I thought I would be at the church I was at for a very

long time. 
 If you have ever been to church alone then you know it is not comfortable. 
It is an odd stage to be in life. 
Where your at the age of marriage but you refuse to settle for just anyone. 
The wait is tough. It can feel as if you have been forgotten or aren't good enough.
I oddly was reminded by a guy I had talked too for awhile that that's far from it. 
It just sometimes doesn't work out.
In the end you know your worth and you know you are good enough so you wait on the Lord.
That is very difficult when you only see a little of the picture.  

Thank you Jesus for claiming my heart this past week.
For praying friends.
For friends who are willing to pray with you! 
For a place that sends you text messages throughout the week "I miss you so much!"
Nothing can compare to being needed, wanted, and loved!