Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Pot holes in the road

"Normality is a paved road:
It's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow."

You know that feeling when you hit a pot hole and just close your eyes for a hot second thinking "Please tell me that didn't pop my tire!" 
Last week I must have hit every hole their was in the road...
I feel like that at times with dystonia.
My body gets so tired but I know I have to keep going! 

Sometimes, I think the Lord is teaching me patience. 
Patience with myself. Patience with his timing. 
Since I was a little girl and started going through doctor's my prayer would always be for someone (anyone) to just "get it". 
Get the daily struggles.
To get the emotions that come along with any chronic illness.
To see past my outside body.

I literally get so emotional just thinking about this answered prayer!
20 years later.
Literally this time last year I had NO clue what God was pre-paring me for.
I had no clue that I would leave MY dream job.
Only to enter into what the Lord's dream was for me. 

When I first came to CFA I really thought with my whole heart that it was just going to be a second income...but the more I started working there after teaching I realized this was were my heart was at!
It's where I could struggle. 
It's where I could be weak. It's where I could cry. 
I never thought the Lord could change my heart so quickly like he did.

A couple weeks ago the owner, Craig stood near by.
Anytime his sugar drops his pump goes off...which in return has the whole store worried.
I hear "Stupid diabetes!"
I laugh because I feel the SAME way about dystonia somedays.
It was that sweet reminder that I wasn't alone.
He then kinda just giggled that he said that out loud. 

This past Sunday was deep clean Sunday. 
Let's be honest. Towards the end I was struggling.
I was carrying a table and of course Craig jumps in to help carry the other end.
I was trying so hard to hold still.
My body just wasn't having me turn to the left side to look so whatever! 
Hello right side. 
I hear "There you go! Use your good side."
I literally was caught off guard.
No one usually catches on to that! Heck most doctor's don't even catch on to that.
I was SOOOOO happy that he did though! 

Literally one of my favorite pictures! 

When he interviewed me I had made a deal with myself to try and hide dystonia from the store.
Including Craig.
When that didn't really work so well for me I thought I'll just tell him but it's not a big deal.
Cover up how you really are struggling with it all right now up.
Can I just say that I am so thankful I just couldn't. 
I have grown so much as a person in the time I have been at CFA in Muncie. 
When I first came I really thought he wasn't going to hire me because I couldn't hold still.
I wanted the job so badly so I told myself to keep holding still. 

Monday, I am sitting down with Craig again just doing my own thing. 
My body was trying to move all over the place. 
I have this really bad habit of grabbing the table or something and holding on tight so I can at least have a little control over the movements.
Craig "Chels...How much energy does that take to try and hold still?"
The whole time thinking "How does he know this?"
BUT then being so thankful he does notice because he gets the parts not a lot of people "get". 

Today, I got owned for eating a small fry and six chips last week. 
I mean I can't help it if CFA food is super good and right in front of me.
What was I suppose to do?
Look at it? 
I guess blood work is a too often thing while on the keto!
Before long they'll have all my blood. 
To whomever likes taking blood...You are gross! 
I literally about puke every time I see my blood moving. 
Oh how gross! 

I look to two years ago and it IS amazing the pathway the Lord has taken me on! 
Like his dreams have became MY dreams.
I am so glad that I am loved. 
But even more importantly I am so thankful for a friend like Craig who just "gets it!" 
Good thing I worked REALLY hard in speech therapy and physical therapy cause boy would I need it for God's plans! 
I literally thought he was done using me until September! 
Guess not :) 
Happy Wednesday Ya'll! 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Compassion goes a long ways

"Compassion is passion with a heart"

It's true. When Jesus plants you, you will grow just like a plant grows with water and care.
You will do the same. 

The last few weeks I can just feel Jesus growing me. Growing me to what he wants me to be. All that he wants me to be. 
I often tear up when I think about how Jesus has planted me. 
"Love is Viral" 
Little did I know that my interview would be the start of something beautiful. 
"If your body needs to move then move!" 
Fast forward to last week. Moving and accidentally hitting Craig's computer. Seconds of him saying "If your body needs to move then you let it move!" 
It's OK. 
All my life I have heard "Why does she do that?" 
"Are you cold?" 
But never those words! 

Growing up I never dreamed that Jesus was molding me and growing me to be all that I can be.
A few weeks ago Pastor Matt said "The road might just get tough but Jesus will stick those people in your pathway to help you overcome it." 
Speaking of Pastor Matt...While he was in Muncie I was able to have a Chick-fil-a breakfast date with him. I was so excited for him to meet my amazing co-workers! 
Your right Pastor Matt, Jesus knows just who we need to help us overcome life's challenges. 
I am so glad he thought I was special enough to place you in that pathway!

This past week was hard. With a sweet "good-bye" to such a sweet friend today. 
Ending with a hug (Chick-fil-a has taught me well) and a "Thank you for being my friend!" 
What a beautiful hand made gift that is hanging in my house! 
Abby, I couldn't have asked for a sweeter friend then you! 
I am so glad Jesus allowed you to come into my life when he did. 
I can't wait to watch how he uses you! 

In the last few weeks we hosted our very first ever dystonia support group here in IN.
I am so thankful for the sweet passion Jesus has placed in my heart to help others with Dystonia. 
If I could take it away, I would but then I think why take something so beautiful away? Dystonia is beautiful.
It's not always pretty...in fact it's messy but beauty comes from the heart not the body! 
I come home one day last week to find this...
My eyes filling up with tears that someone would care enough to do this! 
When that someone is your amazing beautiful fourth grade teacher. Who had you in class years ago! She's still making an impact on my life yet today.
Teacher's who love to teach love their students even more! 
And for that I am grateful.

To end this blog post that is kinda everywhere...
This year's Hunt for a Cure is handing out awards to two deserving people/places.
This years awards are going to Chick-fil-a in Muncie, The Sample's
and to Trey Hollingworth! 
The compassion that these places/offices have had for dystonia and others this year have been more then we could have ever ask for! 
Please join us on September 29th to help us hand these two so deserving awards out! 
If you see them around make sure to thank them for supporting dystonia day in and day out. 
Come help us Hunt for the second year in hopes to finding a cure soon! 

"Dream big!"