Saturday, March 24, 2018

BE the voice

Everyone has a voice but it's up to each of you how you decide to USE it.

What a week. I think I am still overwhelmed at where the Lord has taken me in this journey. A journey that seemed to be impossible just a year ago. A journey that hasn't been easy. Impossible is only impossible when your not willing. 

It started with our beautiful plane ride to Washington. THAT reminder that HE still cares about the little things. The beauty of our world and all the GOOD it does have to offer.
Inhale courage.
Exhale fear.
Flashback to when I was a High Schooler who wouldn't even raise my hand to say one word. 
You'd never know that today! 
I am thankful for the battle Jesus fights for me. 
I am thankful for the strength he allows me to have through this journey.
I am thankful for the job that I am at who stood behind me in this mission.
I am thankful to have had a friend and co-worker like Jayla to stand beside me in Washington.
Our trip in Washington started with meeting up with Anne and Jason.
Jason has dystonia just like myself. 
I had the honor of meeting them three years ago and fell in love with both him and his wife.
Throughout the year Anne has been my saving grace. 
To have others that understand without saying a word means the world. 
We walked over ten miles Sunday with a couple breaks! 
I was so proud of myself.
A couple times where my balance was rough but no worries because Anne had my back.
We learned how beautiful history is. 
How real it is.
There is just something about being with dystonia family that fills my heart.
Which makes the goodbyes and see you laters so much harder.
Lets just say we had an early bedtime Sunday.
Monday came and we were at exploring once again. 
Later that evening we would met up with others that would be flying in for Dystonia.

Dale Dirks who just doesn't get enough credit really fights for dystonia on the hill daily. 
Making this week possible.
His passion to help others is so inspiring. 
If your in the Washington area look him up because he is super! 

The Thompson family.
This is such a one in a kind family! 
I call them my Washington family because Dan and Jean took me in as one of their own my very first year.
Our team for this year!
Victory never felt so good. At the end of a long day filled of meetings with state senators.
The weather had turned into a rainy cloudy day BUT that didn't stop us. 
Dystonia is like that on days but the strength the Lord has given us is by far stronger then ANY storm could ever bring.
So bring it Dystonia because together we have this.
Get'em and make them listen...even if it's in the hall way. 
Thanks Massie!

People always ask "Who was your favorite?"
"What meeting was the most successful?"
My answer this year:

Senator Todd Young

Trey was amazing! He set down with us for about 25-30 minutes.

After a very long successful day we flew back just in time before the storm came through. Our plane ride was rough coming home but we made it safe and sound.

Thursday, Jayla and I got to have lunch with our store owner. 
Sharing all the places we went.
He asked both of us what our favorite thing was about the trip.
Both Jayla and I answered "Helping others. Seeing that passion in others as well and knowing our voice matters."

While I was away I realized how blessed I am to have a job that I am so in love with.
A owner that truly cares.
A owner who set down and prayed with us.
That is so rare in todays world.
I am beyond thankful for him. 
Who loves past dystonia.
Who sees people for who they are. 
I realized yesterday as yesterday was my first day back to work since last Saturday how loved and wanted I really am.
The many who stopped and said "Washington looked fun but the reason behind it is so cool Chelsi!"
That moment your getting ready to go get ice cream with some of your co-workers after work to catch up...
Before stopping to give your boss a hug and thank them for allowing you to take off to go!
His reply being "Thank you for going and helping others! I'm glad you had fun but glad your back with us." 
GUYS. BE THAT voice that others so need in this world.
Putting Jesus in the center. 
The rain may hit BUT you are stronger then any storm you may face! 

We also found out a few days ago that dystonia made the DOD list for the 2019 year!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What a bittersweet reminder...

"I praise you because I AM fearfully and wonderfully made."
Psalm 139:14

I often wonder what Jesus was thinking when he was creating me?
Did he know the struggles I would soon face?
The mountains that I would have to climb?

Let me take a step back for a moment. 
All my life I have known nothing else but doctors,tests, and medication trials...I remember being in first grade and the doctors asking for a brain scan. 
I really didn't understand what was happening. I recall my parents coming into my room a week or so before and sitting on my bed telling me that they decided to get some tests ran. I think the only thing I remember my Mom saying was "It'll be ok my sweet girl!" 

I will never forget the moment I had a brain scan done. The nurse held my hand so tightly and did not leave my side. 
I thought at that moment I was done with testing. 
Only to find out that was just the start of our journey that would really test our faith in Jesus.

The last few weeks have been extremely tough. 
I should be use to tough but I think I missed the memo a year ago when the doctor's said "There is nothing more we can do. We ARE sorry..."
So much easier to ignore what you don't want to hear or admit. 
My famous quote in any doctor's office was always "Please just fix me. Please!"
In every single moment of this journey Jesus been there with me.
I have laid in the hospital bed in tears before just begging Jesus to come back soon.
The many of times I have felt so unloveable.
But still Jesus loves me.

Last week we ended up in the ER...
Last week was so real to me.
That reminder of "There is nothing more anyone can do."
When you see a text from your boss (Craig) that asks "How can I help?"
You want to reply "Fix me, please." 
However, You know that's an unfair request to ask. 
You see the MANY faces around Chick-fil-a that are right there going through this with you! 
You see the tears fill in others eyes and you know they're hurting for you.

One afternoon Craig asked everyone this question that threw us to think on a deeper level.
"Are you a thermometer or a thermostat?"
I really thought he was a crazy person when he first asked me this question so randomly one day.
But then when I was in the ER last week with a thermometer in my mouth I kinda had to laugh because it was at THAT moment I understood in a deep way that I hadn't before.
A thermometer you can't change. It is what it is. 
A thermostat you decide what the temperature is going to be. 
Kinda like Dystonia.
It is what it is. I can't change that fact.
But like a thermostat I can decide what to do with that. 
This picture makes my heart so full. 
Especially tonight after a emotionally drained day...
This morning two doctors declined our case because of it being so complex.
My first reaction was "Come on Jesus! Do your part because I am doing mine. Stupid doctors. Stupid Dystonia. Stupid world."
I am not a crier because I was always raised 
"Knock it off. Get tough and do it!"
But here in the last serval weeks I have cried more then I ever have in my whole life.
Asking Jesus all the "why's"
All the "There are people who don't even love you and their health is great but I love you and my health is a struggle. Really!?!" 
I walked into work today to Craig giving me a hug followed by Maisen giving me a hug. Little did they know it is just what I needed to get through another day.

My work night ended the way I think Jesus had planned...
No where like the empty playroom to have a Jesus talk with two of your amazing co-workers. Sharing your heart and hearing 
"Chelsi. We're more worried about you then ourselves. Our hearts break with you and for you! How do you think we feel when there isn't anything we can do to make dystonia go away?"
"Yeah Chelsi. Your going to come out even stronger then what you went into this as! Maybe the Lord is showing you to cling to him more."
"Your not alone in this. You have a whole team."
"Prayer changes things!"
"We have a Dystonia scavenger Hunt to get ready for and together we'll do this!" 
"It's not just changed your heart...but ours too Chels."
"Would you really be here if it weren't for dystonia? Our paths may have never crossed if it wasn't for this journey."

I come home to a dark apartment where this letter was sitting on my table. I open to see that it is from my fourth grade teacher. Inside laid a check. I stood there in tears just thanking Jesus for tonight. 
The Lord knows what we need more then what we need. 
I am getting ready to fly miles away to fight for a cure for Dystonia on Capitol Hill.
What a beautiful reminder to the love Jesus has for us. In those times of heartbreaks, of struggles, and telling ourselves we aren't lovable. 
Please pray that this next week makes a difference in others life's. 
That Jesus shines through me.
In the end I'm not sure what Jesus has in store but I know that one day he will make my body brand new again. 
Until that day I pray that others will know they are so lovable. 
That Jesus sees people for their hearts.
I hope this week ya'll do the same! 
Make it YOUR mission.
Make it your mission to give someone a hug.
It really means the world when your going through tough times.
I promise.