Sunday, October 15, 2017

The changing of the seasons...

"Life is about change, 
and the ability to adapt to those changes.
Do not fear the changing seasons."

My favorite time of year is fall. The changing of the leafs, the hot apple cider. Warm sweaters and hot soup. The fall walks where it's just Jesus and I. 
Just like the leafs change so has my season of life. 

These past several weeks during speech therapy Mekale who has been my speech therapist has asked me each time what I'm thankful for. 
It's been a teamwork effort each and every week. 
It's been a "I know how it's suppose to come out but the difficulty of it coming out like it's suppose too is a real obstacle." 
Mekale has been full of passion each week replying in "I know...but that's okay because we will just keep working at it." 
I have been reminded these last several weeks of where I have came from since last season.
The struggles of even talking.

I've always thought that fall season is such a special season. Of the Lord just working in people's life's. This fall season the Lord has just done a spin around on my heart...
The season in which the Lord put that fire in my heart to help others like. 
 To host the first ever Indy Hunt for a cure Dystonia.
It was this day that changed my heart forever. 
THAT very moment I realized that I have the ability to not just teach little ones but to help older ones as well. 
I have always been in love with early childcare but this chapter of my life/of my journey moved my heart in ways I can't explain. 
I am so proud to announce that I am leaving early childcare here soon. 
Only to pursue another dream.
A dream that I never saw for my life.
A door that only the Lord could have opened so perfectly! 

This season has been full of changes...Including becoming a part of the Chick-fil-A family three months ago.

"If you have to move then you move and you don't apologize for it." 
(Owner of the muncie location)
Dystonia has took me to places and people I couldn't image my life without.
I just told Craig this past week with Kelli that I felt like the Lord has bigger plans for my life then where I am at now.
That I knew it was going to take hard work.
And that I was ready to give it my all. 
Knowing that there would be days I would come short, fall down, but that I would get back up and go at it again.
As I spilled a tray yesterday my heart kinda got discouraged. 
That feeling of "I can't do this" or "What are you doing Chelsi" hit.
Thankfully it only hit for a few seconds before Abby took my arm and said "It's ok! It is OK!"

In the season of so much changing I am thankful for the friends who stick through the changing seasons. 

My Grandpa passed away yesterday. 
And I am learning that these seasons are short. To make these changing seasons count. That this life is short so make every moment count as if it were your last changing season.

Be the difference changer!