My heart has been changing in so many directions latley...I'm talking every which way.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Simple things with a big purpose...
"Sometimes God doesn't change your situation because he is trying to change your heart."
The sky IS the limit

Where to began...
From the moment this year started my health had been a big concern. The many doctor appointments that were scheduled that lead doctors to leave frustrated. The loneliness it brought. The terrible feeling in my heart that was left after no results from a spinal tap. To this day I was never so sure that we would have results, and answers.
Flashback:I remember being an 8th grader and getting upfront reading two sentences out loud. I was so nervous. I was nervous of being made fun of for shaking. Boy little did I know God was preparing me to be strong in him for later in life. He knew that one day (tonight) I would look back and smile about it.
Smile that he's still working on me and not finished yet...
This year has taken me to Washington DC to speak on Capitol Hill for the second time in a row. My Mom has always told me "You are such a stubborn child."
So I thought that I would put it to use for another year!
Representing IN and a voice for others who have dystonia.
I learned pretty young in life that life IS what you make it to be.
Be that voice for others, holding nothing back!
This year has brought serious health changes.
I am ashamed to say I let myself get pretty heavy...

BUT I took my health back and decided that something HAD to change.
When Jesus closes one door he opens another.
In my case (out of the blue) a neurologist following my mystery case sent a letter that stated "Has she ever tried a Keto diet for the jerking part?"
A keto what???
Google became our best friend for days.
At this point we had nothing to lose.
It's been NINE months of hard work but I have done it!
While I struggle to be at my goal weight I am 60 pounds lighter!!!
And for that we celebrate.

It was THIS year that I hosted my VERY FIRST EVER event in Indy for Dystonia!
All proceeds went to the Dystonia Medical Research Foundation in hopes that a cure will be found for at least the next generation. Words can't explain the overwhelming feeling I had on this day! What a way to spend your 26th birthday, right?!

I am SO proud to say this event raised over 10,000 dollars for research!!!

The IPL building was even a part of the event with us!
Coming in 2018 to the state of IN:
Our very own support group ALREADY filled with over 15 families in the area!
Our second year of the Indy Hunt for a Cure
Watching Jesus work through what I always was so embarrassed about growing up is just been such an adventure!

From meeting complete strangers on the Canal to praying with this group of people.
Last but not least and one of my biggest accomplishments this year...
A new full time job at Chick-fil-a!
I never in a million years thought that I would give up early childcare but after my health and just feeling as if God was leading me else where I made that decision. It has honestly been one of the best decisions I have made this year.
I have come to love people.
People of all kinds.

\This makes me smile so big.
Dystonia...well we make it work!
I say "we" because it's such a team effort...Like today when it's crazy busy and you keep telling yourself "You can't do this. What if I mess up? Or what if I spill these fries?"
Then you hear Senior management say "You do what you feel is comfortable. We can switch it around to make it work."
Then you realize "This is where I belong!"
Monday, November 27, 2017
When you feel like you lose more than you win
I think if Jesus could write me a letter about Dystonia he would write this…
Dear Chels,
I’ve been with you since day one. I know every tear you have cried on this journey. I was with you through 15 different doctors. I saw your heart breaking but I also saw your parents hearts break as well. I was there before you came to know me as your savior.
I was there during the dark times of your life. The moments where you didn’t feel strong. I know how that feels. Remember I died on the cross for you. Loving you with Dystonia.
I knew this journey was going to be a toughie but life isn’t meant to be apple pie all of the time. For then you wouldn’t need me.
I knew that my plans would be amazing through such a struggle. The only way I could get your attention was to have no answers. Was to allow you to feel alone in the doctor’s office. It was then that your fire was lite. It was game on Dystonia.
I needed you to be that voice. That voice that got the attention of others. I needed you to fall down before you could possibly understand how important your purpose is in this life.
I know you wish I would “fix” your body but I’m using it to help others. Don’t allow yourself to be selfish that you can’t see that for yourself. My work in you isn’t done yet.
Good job with the Indy Hunt for a cure but that’s just the beginning. Stay focused on me. Even when your ticked that I won’t “fix” Dystonia. Oh the hearts your story has grabbed.
Your life is mine. Let me have control. I know you want to date but I also know it will take a special man. Wait on that special guy to sweep you off your feet. Wait on that special man I have created for you to love you with Dystonia.
One day you will understand the big picture from my view. When you do you’ll understand the love I had for you!
Don’t give up on hope. You keep making a loud stand.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
The changing of the seasons...
"Life is about change,
and the ability to adapt to those changes.
Do not fear the changing seasons."
My favorite time of year is fall. The changing of the leafs, the hot apple cider. Warm sweaters and hot soup. The fall walks where it's just Jesus and I.
Just like the leafs change so has my season of life.
These past several weeks during speech therapy Mekale who has been my speech therapist has asked me each time what I'm thankful for.
It's been a teamwork effort each and every week.
It's been a "I know how it's suppose to come out but the difficulty of it coming out like it's suppose too is a real obstacle."
Mekale has been full of passion each week replying in "I know...but that's okay because we will just keep working at it."
I have been reminded these last several weeks of where I have came from since last season.
The struggles of even talking.
I've always thought that fall season is such a special season. Of the Lord just working in people's life's. This fall season the Lord has just done a spin around on my heart...
The season in which the Lord put that fire in my heart to help others like.
To host the first ever Indy Hunt for a cure Dystonia.
It was this day that changed my heart forever.
THAT very moment I realized that I have the ability to not just teach little ones but to help older ones as well.
I have always been in love with early childcare but this chapter of my life/of my journey moved my heart in ways I can't explain.
I am so proud to announce that I am leaving early childcare here soon.
Only to pursue another dream.
A dream that I never saw for my life.
A door that only the Lord could have opened so perfectly!
This season has been full of changes...Including becoming a part of the Chick-fil-A family three months ago.
"If you have to move then you move and you don't apologize for it."
(Owner of the muncie location)
Dystonia has took me to places and people I couldn't image my life without.
I just told Craig this past week with Kelli that I felt like the Lord has bigger plans for my life then where I am at now.
That I knew it was going to take hard work.
And that I was ready to give it my all.
Knowing that there would be days I would come short, fall down, but that I would get back up and go at it again.
As I spilled a tray yesterday my heart kinda got discouraged.
That feeling of "I can't do this" or "What are you doing Chelsi" hit.
Thankfully it only hit for a few seconds before Abby took my arm and said "It's ok! It is OK!"
In the season of so much changing I am thankful for the friends who stick through the changing seasons.
My Grandpa passed away yesterday.
And I am learning that these seasons are short. To make these changing seasons count. That this life is short so make every moment count as if it were your last changing season.
Be the difference changer!
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